Imagine a Training Soloution that allows you to:

  • Produce engaging, interactive e-learning resources at a fraction of the time it takes to write traditional training materials.
  • Create instant and automatic training videos and manuals by simply recording processes.
  • Give your employees access to the exact learning information they need, as and when they need it.
  • Integrate a contextual online help that assists the user in real time.
  • Make learners independent to produce content themselves.
  • Quickly translate educational content into different languages.
  • See a complete overview of your staff’s training progress.

The Answer is - SAP® Enable Now

SAP Enable Now offers advanced performance support and training capabilities to help you improve productivity, user adoption, and end-user experience.

Easily create, maintain and deliver performance support, learning material, and documentation content.

With just a few keystrokes, you can add video, animations, or detailed, fully interactive software simulations.

Why SAP® Enable Now?

  • Help people develop new skills quickly
  • Motivate and engage learners
  • Make the teaching process more versatile
  • Offer learning content in a variety of formats
  • Provide an end-to-end learning environment
  • Improve project success and minimize rollout risks
  • Multimodal content production
  • Powerful features for creating help documents, e-learning courses, and tutorials
  • Performance support, including contextsensitive help, in-app content delivery, and process guidance
  • Content lifecycle management
  • On-premise or cloud deployment
  • Automated localization, updating, and maintenance of content
  • Boost workforce productivity
  • Promote user adoption
  • Reduce IT support costs and operating expenses for training
  • Decrease user errors
  • Speed ROI for enterprise applications
  • Increase training success and employee satisfaction